Saturday, February 15, 2020

Political science; Multicultural Nature;The book Privilage, Power, and Essay

Political science; Multicultural Nature;The book Privilage, Power, and Difference and the movieCrash - Essay Example However they can also be part of the solution as man has the potential to solve these problems. The central theme of the book can be summed up by this sentence in his book: "The trouble that surrounds difference is really about privilege and power - the existence of privilege and the lopsided distribution of power that keeps it going."(Allan Johnson 2001) According to Johnson all individuals confront issues of difference and privilege often causing fear and discomfort in people. Johnson also believes that differences in class have tremendous effect on peoples lives. But class is different from gender or race or ethnicity or sexual orientation. He believes that people have the potential to change the class to which they belong but the other differences are difficult to change because they are associated with birth. People are generally classified on the basis of their physical attributes and appearances. Class differences are a result of capitalism. The cause of modern racism is prima rily economic. Racism is a problem that affects all white people. Only the degree varies depending on their social class. The advantage of being white is likely to be more significant for the lower working-class than for whites belonging to the middle and upper classes. Social issues are prevalent because of the existence of privilege and misuse of power by people. Privilege creates inequality. People of all groups must work together to change this inequality. People dont want to discuss words such as "privilege," "racism," and "oppression." According to Johnson these words must be discussed openly and a collective effort must be made to resolve these issues. All feelings of blame, guilt, shame should be set aside and our focus must be on the dire need to change. In the movie Crash the director Haggis weaves several stories around incidents that happen during two days in Los Angeles. The stories revolve around a group of strangers who clash

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Accelerated Learning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accelerated Learning - Research Paper Example It can also be considered an offshoot of the numerous commitments of adult learners who are on traditional learning programs. These adults usually have limited time to spend on education; thus, a need for a program which offers creative learning formats which will speed up the process of acquiring quality education (Lewis, 2010). Accelerated learning is â€Å"an approach to learning that uses learner-centered teaching principles and practices to creatively engage students' multiple learning systems, resulting in faster, deeper, and more proficient learning (Basic Education and Policy Support (BEPS) Activity, 2005). Accelerated learning has been proven to have several benefits. Foremost among these is that with accelerated learning a shorter time is required to learn something new and then apply it successfully. â€Å"The emphasis is on accelerating and deepening the learning, not speeding up the amount of â€Å"teaching† or material â€Å"covered†Ã¢â‚¬  (, 2009, p. 1). Second, with accelerated learning the students become critical thinkers making them innovative and flexible because it is learner-centered and not teacher-centered (, 2009).... Another advantage of the accelerated learning model is that it supports not only knowledge but emotions as well, which consequently increases the learning rates and reduces the rate of failures (Boyd, 2004). Accelerated learning is not without its limitations. One limitation of accelerated learning is that not all individuals can adapt to the pace or approach of the program. Based on the theory of multiple intelligences and learning styles, it is impossible to develop a generic way of teaching individuals. It is therefore necessary that educators should first familiarize themselves with the preferred learning modes of the students and the levels of their multiple intelligences in order to maximize learner strength (Boyd, 2004). Another limitation posed by accelerated learning is that it is essential that the classroom environment supports the adult learners’ actual world. This means that the method of instruction should consider the personal, social and cultural facets of the adult learner (Boyd, 2004). What the students learn should be relevant to their daily lives. This finding is validated by the cognitive theory which states that â€Å"one cannot separate the learning process from the situation in which the learning is presented† (Boyd, 2004, p. 41) In the pursuit of a nursing education, one believes that accelerated learning is appropriate and beneficial to a nursing student. Through the formative skills that are taught through actual patient care, nursing students become properly oriented of the situations that they may face. Accelerated learning offers more than theories of how to care for a patient, but rather, it teaches how to use the formative skills learned through concrete experiences (McNiesh, Benner, &