Monday, December 23, 2019

Reflection Paper On Aging - 1710 Words

The movie Last Vegas (2013) thoroughly presented the concept of the embodied aging and experience by creating a storyline based on the character, Billy, shared the good news of him finally proposing to his much younger girlfriend with his dearest friends and wanted them to be supportive in his decision-making. All four friends decided to escape from their daily lives a couple of days in order to throw a bachelor party together for Billy in Las Vegas (Last Vegas, 2013). They have been best friends since childhood, yet have experienced a different aging journey (Last Vegas, 2013). In the film, seniors are perceived as dominant and powerful characters because of their life experiences and wisdom. The overview of my paper would be conducting†¦show more content†¦In the movie, Sam mentioned about Archie’s health condition to Paddy meanwhile trying to convince him to go to Las Vegas with the rest of them (Last Vegas, 2013). Sam indicated that Archie could not come up because of his heart problem and has had a stroke previously (Last Vegas, 2013). However, Archie did climb up the flights of stairs without breathing difficulties when he overheard the conversations (Last Vegas, 2013). Thus, it demonstrated the accomplishment of age in which we would not expect such an elderly with these health conditions do such a thing as well as implied that elderly can be positive role model. II. Stereotype embodiment and by what means this happens (and/ or if this is rejected/accepted) In the article of Levy (2009) refocused on the issue of positive and negative age, stereotypes held by older individuals can cause both beneficial and detrimental consequences, respectively, on a variety of cognitive and physical outcomes. The article stated that stereotype can be internalized and view as â€Å"self-perception of aging† (Levy, 2009). In the beginning of the movie Last Vegas (2013), a stereotype embodiment is being displayed through the words expressed by Archie’s son. He stated that â€Å"[Archie], is not supposed to lift anything heavy, the only thing [he] needs to do is to relax.† (LastShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Aging1945 Words   |  8 PagesNumbers always seem to make a difference in one’s life which could be because of the different cultural values and norms that they practice. America is a country with opportunities where all he art belongs yet the cultural perspective on aging is shattering. Aging is perceived differently in each country and this perspective is remodeled as we blend in more than one cultural values for age. For the one-one project, I chose my grandparents because they have always inspired me and motivated me in allRead MoreThe Process of Aging in Up a Movie by Carl Fredricksen854 Words   |  3 Pages Life is a chronological process filled with transitions and relationships. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Bp Oil Spill Free Essays

Television if full of advertisement and propaganda. As well as the internet with advertisement popups and clips on the sides of every webpage. Propaganda is information put out by an organization or government to promote and idea or cause. We will write a custom essay sample on Bp Oil Spill or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many of these are misleading and bias, trying to make you believe in the same things they do and convince you to participate in whatever cause they are in. Think about some of the commercials you seen on television such as news reports, movies, political ads, and recall ads. The most memorable to me are recall ads such as lawyers making announcements for medicines and compensation. As well as when election time comes around and all of the runners are putting their names out there. Also, every day, watching the news on new crimes going on in the world and previews for my next favorite movie. Those are all different techniques of propaganda. The purpose of me writing this essay is to show you the propaganda in a simple informative commercial or newscast. My main focus will be on the BP oil spill. The first sociology theory I will compare with is symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism is the use of symbols or face to face interaction. The way that this relates to the BP oil spill is the way that the owner of the company, Kenneth R. Fineburg, said that he was going to help and compensate the victims of the oil spill. Commercials and speeches were made about his plans to pay back for the damage and loss of wages that his company had caused the Gulf of Mexico and victims. The second theory will be functionalism. Functionalism is the relationship between parts of society. In this situation, the society came together and fought to be compensated to get their lost wages back. Claiming they have mortgages, bills, car payments, and children to pay for and they have not been working in 8 months. Citizens of the affected area appeared on news cast and commercials were made explaining their situations, trying to reach out to someone that they needed help. The last theory is the conflict theory. Conflict theory means competition of scarce resources or the elite control the poor and weak. This relates to this situation as the big man, Mr. Fineburg, having the money and resources to help the people out with their lost wages. As, well his colleagues were trying to tell him that he was over compensating the victims. They had all of the control over whether or not the victims were going to be able to get paid and bailed out of this mess that one man was responsible for. In conclusion, propaganda was used in ways to reach out to people about the real problems going on in the Gulf of Mexico during the time of the BP oil spill. I used the 3 main theories of sociology to compare how each of them relates to the oil spill. The rich over powering the poor, how society came together to get help, and the interaction between the people when the word needed to be put out. RESOURCE Schwartz, J. (2011, February 17). Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog. Retrieved from http://gulfofmexicooilspillblog. com/2011/02/17/gulf-of-mexico-oil-spill-blog-bp-propaganda/ How to cite Bp Oil Spill, Papers Bp Oil Spill Free Essays BP OIL SPILL Under the Deepwater Horizon, an offshore drilling ring of British Petroleum (BP) caused an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The incident occurred on April 20th 2010, where equipment failed and caused the explosion sinking the ring, and causing the death of 11 workers and more than 17 workers injured. The British based energy company also faced other problems at the site of the oil spill. We will write a custom essay sample on Bp Oil Spill or any similar topic only for you Order Now More than 40 million gallons (estimated data) of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico. Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a very serious threat for the wildlife as it causes water pollution. The oil spill effected many coastal areas in the US, like the Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. The oil spill disaster strongly damaged wildlife cycle in the Gulf of Mexico, and many species were thrown into extinction. Similarly, thousands of businesses were thrown into extinction. Many people has questioned the ethical decisions and core value system that BP used to cut corners with the accident; namely, the race to maximize profits at all costs. We are all aware that one of the main causes that let to the disaster were the result of bad decisions, in which a less expensive option (whether to run a test or use a particular kind casing pipe, for example) would save lives. There has been â€Å"zero dollars spent on research concerning how to handle oil spills for off-shore drilling by BP despite the company’s NET profits – above and beyond all salaries, bonuses, or overhead costs- of more than $59 BILLION† (â€Å"The Rachel Maddow Show† on MSNBC, aired at 7 p. m. EST on June 28, Monday). The paperwork submitted to the U. S. Minerals Management Services (MMS) by BP in 2008 was 582 pages long, supposedly covering all of BP’s operations in the Gulf of Mexico. However, they omitted their ability to deal with oil spills in a worst-case scenario just to get their permits for drilling. Another very unethical act by BP was when President Obama was scheduled to visit Louisiana back than, BP hurriedly â€Å"hired† temporary workers and handed out gear (paper haz-mat uniforms, etc. , but told these temps not to talk to anyone. As soon as all the TV cameras and the president’s motorcade left the area, these â€Å"for show only† hires immediately stopped working (a local government official took photos and attempted to question a few, who advised him they were â€Å"not supposed to talk to anyone, on BP’s orders†). They did not come back on the following day or any day thereafter. On the zero dollars spent for developing back-up systems, BP informed â€Å"The Rachel Maddow Show’s† representative that they â€Å"rely† on an organization which they claimed â€Å"does spill research† even though the investigators from the show discovered the organization named by BP does not receive any money from BP nor do they do research for ways to stop oil spills. In other words, BP was unethical and lied again. This British Petroleum is listed as the fourth wealthiest corporation in the entire world, and yet they lie about the extent of their spill. They fudged figures and information (against the law) in order to get a license to drill in American waters, they did not even bother to change the batteries for the system they claimed was their â€Å"back-up†. BP, as most oil companies (and other business), are aimed at making as much money as possible. In this case because of the big cover up the media did, BP was forced to fix the problem, and it is a problem that its costing them major money, both through clean up and lost product. BP has so far committed $42 billion to cleaning up. I really hope that BP (and other companies) learned the lesson, that cutting corners and cost reduction is not the only point that organizations should focus on. It is not safe to cut corners and presume that things will not happen. Make ethical decision, have back up plans, and ‘worst case scenario’ preparation. If BP would be more ethical and do the right things either by using the latest safety precautions when drilling (not cutting corners, and reducing costs), and moving faster and more dynamically when the disaster occurred, they could have avoided billions in cleanup and damages that they faced and are still facing now. The BP oil spill has offered a moment for reflection for leaders around the world about their most basic beliefs. To many people, the BP oil spill has brought home the idea that future corporate leaders must develop personal ethical standards for making decisions that go beyond just a financial calculation. There are plenty of business practices that are legal, but fall short in being ethical. But I believe being ethical does pay off, slowly and steadily. You may lose some opportunities, but your reputation and self-perception is invaluable. How to cite Bp Oil Spill, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Alpha and Beta Risk Finance

Question: Discusses Alpha and Beta Risk. Please explain these terms in relation to Quality Control NOT FINANCE or STOCKS. What is meant and how are these terms used? Why are they important? Answer: In quality management system there are 2 kind of risk, one is known as alpha and the other one is beta. Alpha risk is known as a risk of incorrectly deciding by the research analyst to reject the null hypothesis. If we are considering and working under a confidence level of 95% then the alpha risk in the system is known to be 5% or simply put 0.05. In such cases we can say that there are 5% chances that the outcome of the statistical output might not hold well. Alpha error is known as a type 1 error which indicates false positive. Beta risk is the risk of judgment where the decision of thinking something as detective will be determined when actually the error does not exist. If the power of the test has been determined as 90% then the beta risk is estimated to be 10%. In such cases we can say that there are 5% chances that the outcome of the statistical output might not hold well. Alpha error is known as a type 1 error which indicates false positive. Beta risk is the risk of judgment where the decision of thinking something as detective will be determined when actually the error does not exist. In such cases we can say that there are 5% chances that the outcome of the statistical output might not hold well. Alpha error is known as a type 1 error which indicates false positive. Beta risk is the risk of judgment where the decision of thinking something as detective will be determined when actually the error does not exist. In quality management system there are 2 kind of risk, one is known as alpha and the other one is beta. Alpha risk is known as a risk of incorrectly deciding by the research analyst to reject the null hypothesis. If we are considering and working under a confidence level of 95% then the alpha risk in the system is known to be 5% or simply put 0.05.