Monday, December 23, 2019

Reflection Paper On Aging - 1710 Words

The movie Last Vegas (2013) thoroughly presented the concept of the embodied aging and experience by creating a storyline based on the character, Billy, shared the good news of him finally proposing to his much younger girlfriend with his dearest friends and wanted them to be supportive in his decision-making. All four friends decided to escape from their daily lives a couple of days in order to throw a bachelor party together for Billy in Las Vegas (Last Vegas, 2013). They have been best friends since childhood, yet have experienced a different aging journey (Last Vegas, 2013). In the film, seniors are perceived as dominant and powerful characters because of their life experiences and wisdom. The overview of my paper would be conducting†¦show more content†¦In the movie, Sam mentioned about Archie’s health condition to Paddy meanwhile trying to convince him to go to Las Vegas with the rest of them (Last Vegas, 2013). Sam indicated that Archie could not come up because of his heart problem and has had a stroke previously (Last Vegas, 2013). However, Archie did climb up the flights of stairs without breathing difficulties when he overheard the conversations (Last Vegas, 2013). Thus, it demonstrated the accomplishment of age in which we would not expect such an elderly with these health conditions do such a thing as well as implied that elderly can be positive role model. II. Stereotype embodiment and by what means this happens (and/ or if this is rejected/accepted) In the article of Levy (2009) refocused on the issue of positive and negative age, stereotypes held by older individuals can cause both beneficial and detrimental consequences, respectively, on a variety of cognitive and physical outcomes. The article stated that stereotype can be internalized and view as â€Å"self-perception of aging† (Levy, 2009). In the beginning of the movie Last Vegas (2013), a stereotype embodiment is being displayed through the words expressed by Archie’s son. He stated that â€Å"[Archie], is not supposed to lift anything heavy, the only thing [he] needs to do is to relax.† (LastShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Aging1945 Words   |  8 PagesNumbers always seem to make a difference in one’s life which could be because of the different cultural values and norms that they practice. America is a country with opportunities where all he art belongs yet the cultural perspective on aging is shattering. Aging is perceived differently in each country and this perspective is remodeled as we blend in more than one cultural values for age. For the one-one project, I chose my grandparents because they have always inspired me and motivated me in allRead MoreThe Process of Aging in Up a Movie by Carl Fredricksen854 Words   |  3 Pages Life is a chronological process filled with transitions and relationships. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Bp Oil Spill Free Essays

Television if full of advertisement and propaganda. As well as the internet with advertisement popups and clips on the sides of every webpage. Propaganda is information put out by an organization or government to promote and idea or cause. We will write a custom essay sample on Bp Oil Spill or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many of these are misleading and bias, trying to make you believe in the same things they do and convince you to participate in whatever cause they are in. Think about some of the commercials you seen on television such as news reports, movies, political ads, and recall ads. The most memorable to me are recall ads such as lawyers making announcements for medicines and compensation. As well as when election time comes around and all of the runners are putting their names out there. Also, every day, watching the news on new crimes going on in the world and previews for my next favorite movie. Those are all different techniques of propaganda. The purpose of me writing this essay is to show you the propaganda in a simple informative commercial or newscast. My main focus will be on the BP oil spill. The first sociology theory I will compare with is symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism is the use of symbols or face to face interaction. The way that this relates to the BP oil spill is the way that the owner of the company, Kenneth R. Fineburg, said that he was going to help and compensate the victims of the oil spill. Commercials and speeches were made about his plans to pay back for the damage and loss of wages that his company had caused the Gulf of Mexico and victims. The second theory will be functionalism. Functionalism is the relationship between parts of society. In this situation, the society came together and fought to be compensated to get their lost wages back. Claiming they have mortgages, bills, car payments, and children to pay for and they have not been working in 8 months. Citizens of the affected area appeared on news cast and commercials were made explaining their situations, trying to reach out to someone that they needed help. The last theory is the conflict theory. Conflict theory means competition of scarce resources or the elite control the poor and weak. This relates to this situation as the big man, Mr. Fineburg, having the money and resources to help the people out with their lost wages. As, well his colleagues were trying to tell him that he was over compensating the victims. They had all of the control over whether or not the victims were going to be able to get paid and bailed out of this mess that one man was responsible for. In conclusion, propaganda was used in ways to reach out to people about the real problems going on in the Gulf of Mexico during the time of the BP oil spill. I used the 3 main theories of sociology to compare how each of them relates to the oil spill. The rich over powering the poor, how society came together to get help, and the interaction between the people when the word needed to be put out. RESOURCE Schwartz, J. (2011, February 17). Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog. Retrieved from http://gulfofmexicooilspillblog. com/2011/02/17/gulf-of-mexico-oil-spill-blog-bp-propaganda/ How to cite Bp Oil Spill, Papers Bp Oil Spill Free Essays BP OIL SPILL Under the Deepwater Horizon, an offshore drilling ring of British Petroleum (BP) caused an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The incident occurred on April 20th 2010, where equipment failed and caused the explosion sinking the ring, and causing the death of 11 workers and more than 17 workers injured. The British based energy company also faced other problems at the site of the oil spill. We will write a custom essay sample on Bp Oil Spill or any similar topic only for you Order Now More than 40 million gallons (estimated data) of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico. Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a very serious threat for the wildlife as it causes water pollution. The oil spill effected many coastal areas in the US, like the Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. The oil spill disaster strongly damaged wildlife cycle in the Gulf of Mexico, and many species were thrown into extinction. Similarly, thousands of businesses were thrown into extinction. Many people has questioned the ethical decisions and core value system that BP used to cut corners with the accident; namely, the race to maximize profits at all costs. We are all aware that one of the main causes that let to the disaster were the result of bad decisions, in which a less expensive option (whether to run a test or use a particular kind casing pipe, for example) would save lives. There has been â€Å"zero dollars spent on research concerning how to handle oil spills for off-shore drilling by BP despite the company’s NET profits – above and beyond all salaries, bonuses, or overhead costs- of more than $59 BILLION† (â€Å"The Rachel Maddow Show† on MSNBC, aired at 7 p. m. EST on June 28, Monday). The paperwork submitted to the U. S. Minerals Management Services (MMS) by BP in 2008 was 582 pages long, supposedly covering all of BP’s operations in the Gulf of Mexico. However, they omitted their ability to deal with oil spills in a worst-case scenario just to get their permits for drilling. Another very unethical act by BP was when President Obama was scheduled to visit Louisiana back than, BP hurriedly â€Å"hired† temporary workers and handed out gear (paper haz-mat uniforms, etc. , but told these temps not to talk to anyone. As soon as all the TV cameras and the president’s motorcade left the area, these â€Å"for show only† hires immediately stopped working (a local government official took photos and attempted to question a few, who advised him they were â€Å"not supposed to talk to anyone, on BP’s orders†). They did not come back on the following day or any day thereafter. On the zero dollars spent for developing back-up systems, BP informed â€Å"The Rachel Maddow Show’s† representative that they â€Å"rely† on an organization which they claimed â€Å"does spill research† even though the investigators from the show discovered the organization named by BP does not receive any money from BP nor do they do research for ways to stop oil spills. In other words, BP was unethical and lied again. This British Petroleum is listed as the fourth wealthiest corporation in the entire world, and yet they lie about the extent of their spill. They fudged figures and information (against the law) in order to get a license to drill in American waters, they did not even bother to change the batteries for the system they claimed was their â€Å"back-up†. BP, as most oil companies (and other business), are aimed at making as much money as possible. In this case because of the big cover up the media did, BP was forced to fix the problem, and it is a problem that its costing them major money, both through clean up and lost product. BP has so far committed $42 billion to cleaning up. I really hope that BP (and other companies) learned the lesson, that cutting corners and cost reduction is not the only point that organizations should focus on. It is not safe to cut corners and presume that things will not happen. Make ethical decision, have back up plans, and ‘worst case scenario’ preparation. If BP would be more ethical and do the right things either by using the latest safety precautions when drilling (not cutting corners, and reducing costs), and moving faster and more dynamically when the disaster occurred, they could have avoided billions in cleanup and damages that they faced and are still facing now. The BP oil spill has offered a moment for reflection for leaders around the world about their most basic beliefs. To many people, the BP oil spill has brought home the idea that future corporate leaders must develop personal ethical standards for making decisions that go beyond just a financial calculation. There are plenty of business practices that are legal, but fall short in being ethical. But I believe being ethical does pay off, slowly and steadily. You may lose some opportunities, but your reputation and self-perception is invaluable. How to cite Bp Oil Spill, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Alpha and Beta Risk Finance

Question: Discusses Alpha and Beta Risk. Please explain these terms in relation to Quality Control NOT FINANCE or STOCKS. What is meant and how are these terms used? Why are they important? Answer: In quality management system there are 2 kind of risk, one is known as alpha and the other one is beta. Alpha risk is known as a risk of incorrectly deciding by the research analyst to reject the null hypothesis. If we are considering and working under a confidence level of 95% then the alpha risk in the system is known to be 5% or simply put 0.05. In such cases we can say that there are 5% chances that the outcome of the statistical output might not hold well. Alpha error is known as a type 1 error which indicates false positive. Beta risk is the risk of judgment where the decision of thinking something as detective will be determined when actually the error does not exist. If the power of the test has been determined as 90% then the beta risk is estimated to be 10%. In such cases we can say that there are 5% chances that the outcome of the statistical output might not hold well. Alpha error is known as a type 1 error which indicates false positive. Beta risk is the risk of judgment where the decision of thinking something as detective will be determined when actually the error does not exist. In such cases we can say that there are 5% chances that the outcome of the statistical output might not hold well. Alpha error is known as a type 1 error which indicates false positive. Beta risk is the risk of judgment where the decision of thinking something as detective will be determined when actually the error does not exist. In quality management system there are 2 kind of risk, one is known as alpha and the other one is beta. Alpha risk is known as a risk of incorrectly deciding by the research analyst to reject the null hypothesis. If we are considering and working under a confidence level of 95% then the alpha risk in the system is known to be 5% or simply put 0.05.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Importance of the Judicial System in the Rise Essays

The Importance of the Judicial System in the Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Lauren A. Gonder Athens State University, Culture and Globalization, Dr. Malcolm Cort The Importance of the Judicial System in the Rise and Fall of Jim Crow The Jim Crow era was one of struggle, not only for the victims of the violence, discrimination, and poverty, but by those who worked to contest segregation in the South. The judicial system resolves cases based on legal precedent and in terms of the rights of the Constitution CITATION Mas \l 1033 (Massey, 2016). Most of the time, the court plays catch up to public opinion and changing traditions. The decisions of the courts, in some cases, force social change when the public and major organizations are separated CITATION Mas \l 1033 (Massey, 2016). After the Jim Crow era, it was crucial for the United States and the judicial system to break the deadlock between Jim Crow and the people in order to move forward into a justly and justifiable society. The state as a large-scale structure can and does play an important role in social change. Ulysses S. Grant accepted the surrender of General Robert E. Lee in 1865 at Appomattox Court House in Virginia. The Civil War marked the deadliest period of fighting in U.S. history CITATION Ame99 \l 1033 (Reconstruction and the Rise of Jim Crow, 1999). While the Northern economy boomed during the controversy, the Southern economic infrastructure was devastated by the war. Southern whites were sorrowing over their losses while the blacks celebrated in victory hoping they would finally be recognized as equals. The reconstruction of the South was difficult and less rewarding for the former slaves than they hoped CITATION Ame99 \l 1033 (Reconstruction and the Rise of Jim Crow, 1999). Everyone had a different view on how to bring the rebel states back to the Union, though there weren't any specific guidelines explaining the process. In the end, a fundamental belief in the right to property and lack of concern for the blacks led to few essential adjustments in regard to race relations in the South. The situation would remain this way until the Civil Rights movement in the 20th century. President Abraham Lincoln had little opportunity to implement the reconstruction program devised during the war. During this time, Lincoln passed the 10 percent plan laying out the terms for readmitting the rebel states to the Union. This plan offered full pardons and amnesty to all Southerners, except high-ranking Confederate civil and military officers, who reestablished their allegiance to the United States by taking the oath of loyalty and accepting the abolition of slavery CITATION Ame99 \l 1033 (Reconstruction and the Rise of Jim Crow, 1999). Any property that was commandeered would return to its owner, apart from slaves. In the 1860 election, when the percentage of loyal Southerners in any state reached 10%, that minority could create a new state government and send a representative to the U.S. Congress. By this point, Lincoln had said little regarding the former slaves other than they would not return to oppression. After Lincoln was shot in 1865, five days after General Lee surrendered, Vice President Andrew Johnson became president. Johnson had complete control of the reconstruction policy for 8 months while Congress vacationed for the summer, and during that time he implemented a plan that appeared to strip the Southern aristocrats of their wealth and power CITATION Ame99 \l 1033 (Reconstruction and the Rise of Jim Crow, 1999). President Johnson kept Lincoln's program of amnesty, but excluded officials of the Confederacy and very wealthy Southerners from receiving a pardon without a direct request to Johnson himself. He was determined to fundamentally alter the structure of the Southern society. Suddenly, the reconstruction policy changed, and members of the South's old elite reiterated their sway, and many won state and federal elections, which returned them to positions of power. Unexpectedly, President Johnson began pardoning aristocrats and leading rebels allowing them to take office. As a result, many former Confederate officials traveled to Washington to claim their newly acquired seats in Congress, but Radical Republicans refused to accommodate their Southern colleagues or recognize the new state governments CITATION Ame99 \l 1033 (Reconstruction and the Rise

Monday, November 25, 2019

(2).doc Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers

(2).doc Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers ..3 1 .5 1.1. ...5 1.2. 7 ..17 2 19 2.1 - , 19 2.2 ..22 ...24 ...26 .28 . . . , . - , , . , . , , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . . : , , . , , . , , , . . , . , . . . . , : 1. . 2. . 3. - , . 4. . : : ; , ; -; . , , . : , , (16 , 4 ). 29 , 27 . 1 1.1. , . , , . (R. Querk) - (, , , , , ). - . (O. Jasperson) , , , , shall will [4, . 70]. , , . . , , shall , , , : You shall go to the dining room first (). You shall not do that again (-). You shall not run away before you answer (). Whatever I know, you shall know () [1, . 81-82]. , ( shall ) , , . will, ,

Friday, November 22, 2019

Theories and Principles that Govern Ethical Decision Making in Research Paper

Theories and Principles that Govern Ethical Decision Making in Medicine - Research Paper Example the systematic inquiry into man’s moral behavior with the purpose of discovering the rules that ought to govern human action and the goods that are worth seeking in human life†. These ethical standards governing the existence of human life also encompass the realm of medical entities. This essay is written to present the underlying theoretical concepts and principles governing ethical decision making in the field of medicine. In addition, it aims to determine the ways in which conflicts of interest inherent in various financial and organizational arrangements for the practice of medicine can pose threats to the medical professionalism. There are basically five underlying theoretical framework for ethical decision making in the medical profession, to wit: deontological theory (what one must do, based on duties and obligations), teleological theory (the purpose or consequences of the moral acts), consequentialist theory (the moral value of an act, rule or policy is to be found in its consequences, not in intentions or motives), virtue ethics (seen in the way we feel is the ‘right’ way to behave towards patients and to colleagues) and casuistry (or case based reasoning, does not focus on rules and theories but rather on practical decision-making in particular cases based on precedent). (Slowther, 2004) Slowther, (2004) averred that â€Å"Beauchamp and Childress’ Four Principles approach is one of the most widely used frameworks and offers a broad consideration of medical ethics issues generally, not just for use in a clinical setting†. These principles are: â€Å"(1) respect for autonomy: respecting the decision-making capacities of autonomous persons; enabling individuals to make reasoned informed choices), (2) beneficence: balancing benefits of treatment against the risks and costs; the healthcare professional should act in a way that benefits the patient, (3) non maleficence: avoiding causing harm; the healthcare professional should not

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Religion in United States Political System Essay

Religion in United States Political System - Essay Example These years have been a time ÃŽ ¿f aggressive Christian politics, as evangelicals entered the political fray seeking to mold public policies that would conform to their own religious convictions. On issues ranging from abortion to prayer in the public schools, evangelicals sought to use the instruments ÃŽ ¿f the American political system to forward their interests and values. Since their agenda fit snugly with that ÃŽ ¿f conservative politicians, advocates for "public religion" were generally associated with conservative political causes. During the 1980s the Moral Majority targeted "liberal politicians" for defeat in congressional elections.In the 21st Century we are all taught to believe that the right political systems are those that exist in countries like America, Britain and other parts Europe. We are taught this in the reading ÃŽ ¿f books and the watching ÃŽ ¿f television programs from the west. All ÃŽ ¿f these sources have influenced and changed the way the rest ÃŽ ¿f the wor ld thinks. It is therefore better to look at each society while it was untouched by the ways ÃŽ ¿f another.f another. The best ways are by comparing different political systems f societies from different geographical locations. Since the traditional and cultural values f each society are different, the thinking and the way f life would be very different if compared to one another. Therefore, a political system to one society is likely to be different if compared to another. At the same time, western society might be unfamiliar to the ways f the eastern society and vise-versa. Sometimes as time passes, there develops new theories f new political systems by great thinkers. So we see one political system being changed to another. This proves that it's impossible to take just one time frame as different political systems developed at different time lines. III. Western Civilization & Topic In western society and other societies in the world, religion was a major factor and still is in some societies when it comes to their own politics. Some believe religion and politics should be separated in order to create a true political system and some says it should not. No matter which society it is, we will always have people with greed in it. And these types f people are the danger to any pure political system, as greed and wanting f power can only lead to corruption. Corruption can only lead to suffering. In each society they have adopted to a mutual understanding f what's right and what's wrong. So it can be said that what's right for one society might not be the same for the people living in another. What happens then is that one society who might not want to accept the ways f another, responds to it by labeling it as deviant. For example: Howard Becker suggests "social groups create deviance by making the rules whose infraction constitutes deviance, and by applying those rules to particular people and labeling them as outsiders." Therefore at times, we see revolutions that bring about a whole new political system, even though sometimes all the promises that was to come with the new system vanishes somewhere. An example would be communism. Politics cannot be pinned down to a single aspect f life, it occurs throughout society, it involves every aspect f our lives, but it is especially concentrated in the modern nation state. It is the nation state that "establishes sovereign jurisdiction within defined boundaries...the state commands ultimate power in that it stands above all other associations and

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Social Impacts of Tourism in Singapore Essay

The Social Impacts of Tourism in Singapore - Essay Example By thoroughly addressing and discussing all of these issues as well as any and all other key and related matters, we will be able to come to a much more informed and knowledgeable understanding on the subject matter at hand overall. This is what will be dissertated in the following. The history of Singapore in fact goes back as far as the 3rd Century, when a Chinese account was known to have described the island at the tip of the Malay Peninsula. Singapore is an incredibly cosmopolitan society in which people live harmoniously and where interaction among the different races is commonly seen. As well in Singapore, food is constantly readily and available, and there are many different cuisines that are available to the general population. There is "Chinese, Indian, Malay, Indonesian and Western, Italian, Peranakan, Spanish, French, Thai and even Fusion. It is very common to savor other culture's food and some of the food can be very intriguing" (Singapore, 2007). The cuisine of Singapore is often times viewed as a prime example of the ethnic diversity of the culture of Singapore overall, and for example, "traditionally Malay hawker stalls selling halal food may serve halal versions of traditionally Tamil or Chinese food. Chinese stalls may introduce Malay or Indi an ingredients, cooking techniques or entire dishes into their range of catering. Some dishes introduce elements from all three cultures, while others incorporate influences from the rest of Asia and the West" (Wikipedia, 2007). Overall then, food in itself has really been quite heavily promoted as a major attraction for tourists, and as well it is usually promoted by that of various different initiatives undertaken by the Singapore Tourism Board or the other associations that it deals with, for that matter. Overall, "The multiculturalism of local food, the ready availability of international cuisine, and their wide range in prices to fit all budgets at all times of the day and year helps create a 'food paradise' to rival other contenders claiming the same moniker" (Wikipedia, 2007). Religion is also an incredibly integral part of Singapore, and for the most part, Singaporeans celebrate all of the major festivals that are associated with their retrospective religions. Religious tolerance is also incredibly essential in Singapore, and because of the racial tolerance that is considered normal and natural throughout the area of Singapore, there are few to no racial disputes, or disputes of any other kind for that matter, as the violence rate in Singapore is incredibly low. All of these factors add up to a very high tourism rate in Singapore, and although tourism is good for any location, as it increases revenue and status for the locale, there are still potential and viable implications that can occur from an overflow of tourism. One of the most important factors of all here as well is that of the residents' responses, and whether they are negative or positive, they are still equally as crucial to the overall impacts that tourism causes. Tourism in Singapore is an incredibly major industry, and millions of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How Technology Changed Design Process

How Technology Changed Design Process Consider for a moment the argument of good vs. evil. Neither can seem ably exist alone, without the other surfacing or breaking the mould at one time or another. Now consider the historical friction between the arts crafts era of design and todays computer aided magnificence. As soon as design aids such as AutoCAD, and laser cutters were created, people began to argue for the loss of design origins and individuality; some may even say its soul and character. Those who were enticed by this new technology that allowed production to be executed in half the time on twice the scale, were in awe, and naturally as with all two sided battles, alliances were formed. Gone are the days of hand carving and endlessly tiring man hours in workshops shouted the people of the future, what takes you a week and four men, takes us a day with a computer, with no need for getting grubby. The conceptual age of design was truly revolutionized by computers, no argument there, but was it necessarily a good thing? No! shouted the people of tradition, where you exceed us in production you lack in character, where is the heart and soul? The attention to detail absorbed through precise workmanship and craft? (Pemble, 2010) Once again I feel that their argument is sound, but is it not also a prime case of people fearing what they do not understand? As is the case with all arguments, it often takes a step back and a good long look at both sides of the case to induce or create a compromise that allows both sides to advance further than they imagined. For this we need to begin in Weimar, Germany, the year is 1919 and the Bauhaus school of Art design is formed. Throughout Europe, world war one had clearly left its mark. The German state lay in disarray and its economy lay in tatters and after the initial turmoil over the future of Germany. Whether it be soviet communist or capitalist German, several factors were set in stone, the way of imperialist grandeur and ornamentalism design had to change, the transformation of emotional Expressionism to the matter-of-fact New Objectivity (Minusfive 2006). This gave the German organisation, Deutscher Werkbund, founded in 1907 and considered the forerunner to the Bauhaus, a newfound vessel for their visions of design. The Werkbunds aim was: to harness the new potentials of mass production, with a mind towards preserving Germanys economic competitiveness (MinusFive 2006). This kind of agenda for change become apparent in many areas of design, it may have originated in architecture, with the Werkbunds idea of economical production for housing and the built environment, but it spread to even the most men ial of objects, combining industrial methods with artistic flair, an example I suppose being envelopes. Up until 1840 all envelopes were handmade, cut from paper and constructed before being used to send mail. However, in that year a British man George Wilson derived a method of mass production from the geometric layout called tessellation. This enabled multiple envelopes to be cut simultaneously minimising the waste cut paper. Only five years later the production of envelopes was revolutionized further by two men, Edwin Hill and Warren De La Rue, whom pioneered a steam pressing machine that enabled the cutting, folding and gumming process of envelopes all to be done in one stage. As was to happen less than a century later to various crafts, the traditional method of production died slowly at first, then all together outclassed and outperformed by its machine age successor. Here is where the compromise between industrial and traditional methods is required. During my journey in which I created my own envelope design, I was able to see the merits and disadvantages of both ends of the spectrum. The first step was to take a standard sized envelope and dissect, analyse, and recreate it, several times, to get the feel for and a thorough understanding of its design. I then, from a purely conceptual view, came up with my design, which was to be a clasp sealing disc shaped envelope. I then repeated the process i used for an existing design, for my own, entailing technical drawings, models, prototypes, and experimentations, until I came up with my finalised design. Here is where the best of both worlds comes into its own. If I were to embark on this project in an identical fashion, but in a 3D virtual computer world via programs such as CAD and 3DSMax, it would be quicker; however there would be no feel for the design, certainly no character, and there would be no way of knowing if it worked, or how it were to assemble. Tactility is one of the charms of handmade works. It was at this point that I was encouraged to investigate the more industrial side of production, so after transferring my design from hand drawn plans to an AutoCAD design, It was then onto the laser cutter, which essentially is a robotic device that reads the lines, line weights, and colours of lines to determine where needs to be cut or scored on the material placed under the laser. Now here comes the difficult part, but does prove to be the part that pays off, as the laser cutter is undeniably fiddly to setup and calibrate with regards line weights, fold lines and cuts. In this sense, there is still no smooth transition between man and machine, as it took several attempts for the laser cutter to understand the design, however that said, once calibrated it is the perfect tool for recreating a single design on a mass production level. Modern methods have thankfully taken the stress and immense man hours required out of hand production and tradition, but the integration and principles of tradition and good design should never become fully digitalised like its successor. Just like the argument of analogue vs. digital regarding timepieces, each will have their role as one simply wouldnt exist were it not for the original. The point of this investigation for me is that both modern and traditional crafts both have their roles, and as many influential figures agree, neither should be neglected nor overlooked, for they both hold merits. Technology has indeed renovated the design world, but in todays society it does on occasion overpower and fail to do itself justice, leaving the piece cold, generic and grey, failing to do itself justice. This as with most aspects of the design world boils back down to the roots of the Bauhaus. Take for instance the idea of Bauhaus furniture design, it wanted to maintain the traditions of soul in design, along with logic, so for instance a better thought out design made with more economic materials and technologies, but still manually overseen or produced would therefore potentially be the perfect design formula. Enter Mies Van Der Rohe. Originally from Aachen, he moved to Berlin in 1905. At the age of 19, he was unqualified and spent his time hopping between building sites. Not exactly the start in life most would stereotypically associate with a famous architect, whom set about change we feel the benefits of today. The tasks of design and construction were combined in his early education, not separated by increasingly common divisions between architect and builder. (Zimmerman C. 2006, p.7) Mies van Der Rohe was trained as an accomplished bricklayer and stonemason under apprenticeship of his father, but also trained as a proficient draftsman, after taking a keen interest in design whilst he worked for a specialized plasterwork company. He saw the need for an understanding of both the ends of the construction spectrum from the initial spark of an idea, to the laying of foundations, so that he may design more efficiently. Riehl House was his first commission under recommendation of a colleague at Bruno Paul architects, and was finished in 1907. The young Mies proved himself able to design and build competently, even skilfully, and capable of productively engaging the most contemporary issues of the architectural world in Berlin at the time. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.19) This was only the beginning of a long and fruitful career for Mies, and this subliminal theme was present throughout his career, the breakaway from tradition and supposed acceptable form, in favour of modular, efficient modern materials in design. This ability to draw and recollect from the design ethos of yesteryear, and combine it with the forefront of technology to create something that is not only perfected in its balance, but also pleases a wider audience is an ability he seldom neglected. A prime example is of this is dark red masonry built Lange and Esters House. The esters and Lange buildings were both surfaced in dark brick; but they are only partially bearing-wall structures. They were among the first modern buildings to free brick from its load bearing function. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.33) It gives the appearance of a traditionally built house of the time, yet modernised in aesthetics slightly, and due to its modular skeleton of steel it allows the large open views that it contains, and for the first time in German architectural history, the spatial design dictated the structural calculations. Just like with his most prolific of projects like the Seagram building, IIT centre and exhibition hall in Berlin (ironically his career peaked both as he left and later returned to the city) he used the most modern of approaches to construct the building yet he still remained true to the classical ideals of open flowing space, secular views, and the overall mastery of the space provided. I suppose a pinnacle case study would be that of the Barcelona Pavilion. After being accepted into the Werkbund in 1927, Mies was commissioned by the German Reich to design and build the 1928 World exhibition in Barcelona. With its beautiful classical onyx and marble walling, and chrome framed glass facades of multiple shades, it was the epitome of form with function, a piece de resistance of the Bauhaus vision. Instead of the normal layout of conventional housing or building, it followed Mies combination of Rhythmic movement and carefully composed views. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.39) Though beautiful, like all individual prototypes it was slightly flawed (due to insufficient budget and lack of specialised materials, the prolific flat roof was susceptible to water damage and nearly ruined the entire structure), but just like the method of trial and error in many of the hand crafts, Mies learnt from his mistakes, and embraced them with his future projects, like the Seagram building and IIT, whereby he perfected his steel frame designs that have revolutionized todays construction. The Seagram building was undoubtedly in this paradigmatic fashion. It is often seen as the finest high-rise building Mies ever built. No longer looking back to past historical design for legitimation, the building presents the architecture of capitalism with its most essential, concentrated face. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.16) Just like in my investigation into envelope design, sometimes things can be flawed; the important part is learning from it and being able to continue. This is where I feel that by doing all of the experimenting stage by hand, with copious amounts of trial and error, I managed to succeed in a design that as viewed by others was vitally flawed, my point being this. The initial design criteria given to me was that the envelope had to be capable of holding this essay and any accompanying notes, drawings, work etc and my design being circular was therefore flawed, considering all of my notes and work is on rectangular pieces of paper. It may seem like a very simple answer to a glaring omission, but I have simply decided to enlarge the size of the envelope, and changed its own criteria in that it will be more like a folder, capable of holding my work. Just as alterations were needed to my envelope, drastic alterations were needed to the world of design. The winds had changed direction, and change was coming. As with a lot of the architects of the time and followers of the Neues Bauen, people frowned upon this new rationale of design. By 1933 many architects of Neues Bauen understood their precarious status in national socialist Germany, and many emigrated. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.14) With the tension growing rapidly in Germany, and the intolerance of the now empowering Nazi party quickly showing itself, the design world soon became a focal point. With its grand imperialist nature, the new Reich wanted its capital to show this. However tradition ruled the waves. As soon as the National socialist party came to power the Bauhaus was voluntarily closed by its members, knowing the view of the new Reich and how its left wing ideals would be dealt with. Nazi writers like Wilhelm Frick and Alfred Rosenberg had labelled the Bauhaus un-German and criticized its modernist styles (MinusFive 2006) Many architects of the time soon began to emigrate, restrictions upon Mies own work was imposed and his security was soon threatened. In 1938 he made a career changing choice and emigrated to the United States of America. Here I feel began the true nature of ingenious design. By that I mean the ability to cover the entire spectra, correcting the negatives and reinforcing the positives, and fulfilling the Bauhaus ideals of singular design. The Seagram building was by any standard, miles ahead of its competitors. Yet it achieved this without claiming to be the future, or resenting the past. With classic interiors, a classy dark outside skin of externally mounted bronze, and topaz tinted glass; it not only looked the part, but also integrated frontier technology, to aid in wind buffering and reduce UV glare/heat. Its latticed modular steel framework also represented the way forward, not only with its curtain walling efficiency that allowed simple mountings for the traditional venetian blinds, but also with regards a lighter, stronger, more adaptable construction method that retained so called classic features. However, the buildings piece de rà ©sistance is what many of todays skyscrapers have to thank. Before Mies got his hands on the commission, he looked at the competitors, the other structural locale, and also back at his previous concepts. He then did what no one else had done. He set the tower a reasonable distance back from the street and created what we see throughout todays cities, urban landscaping. By creating this public space, this void filler that bridged the public and private sector he thereby integrated the Seagram immediately with its environment, it was this sort of thinking, that put Mies one step ahead, enabling him to cater perfectly for both ends of the spectrum by simply thinking outside of the box, where no others considered or dared to. It paid dividends, whilst also setting the trend of vertical design for decades to come. Conclusion Balance is what enables many things in life to perform at their respective bests, from the balance of work and social, to the balance of a relationship, and none more so than the design world. When it comes to the argument of traditional vs. Modern, the initial stages of design should always respect their roots, thus keeping to hand drawn methods, crafts, and human investigation like sketching and model making. It is all too easy to rely solely upon CAD and other such programs that have made some of todays design rather inert and cold, without human charm, and the only possible preservative of these features is the maintaining of traditional methods and heritage to keep the human signature alive. The investigation I carried out made this all too apparent, that relying upon technology to carry a design from inception to creation is a vitally flawed theory, and that without sacrifice of man hours and effort with my own skills, my envelope would be nowhere near as thorough or well desig ned, not saying that it is a perfect example, but what designer is without his or hers mistakes? Far too many things in life have slipped into the vast abyss that is history and all because weve become too eager and thirsty for this new age of production ease, of technological employment, whereby objects are no longer designed, they are manufactured, devoid of all the initial ingenuity. The radically simplified forms, the rationality and functionality, and the idea that mass-production was reconcilable with the individual artistic spirit. (MinusFive 2006) Within the last century, the Bauhaus is the only thing that has come in the way of the seemingly unstoppable machine age. It questioned craftsmanship vs. Mass production, usefulness vs. Beauty, and mainly whether a singular proper combined form could exist. In many areas it succeeded, especially in furniture design, with the likes of Breuer and Stam, whom renovated modern furniture with the cost effective use of steel, providing form and the most necessary function. At the end of the day, the dispute over the necessitation of design evolution will rage for years to come, the important factor which I cannot emphasise enough is the compromise, the balance, the equilibrium, and however many other words there are to describe the simple fact that both are equally as important as the other. One of the main objectives of the Bauhaus was to unify art, craft, and technology. The machine was considered a positive element, and therefore industrial and product design were important components (MinusFive 2006)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Tone and Imagery in The School Children Essay -- School Children Essay

Tone and Imagery in The School Children    Louise Gluck's   The School Children   may provide some shock for readers as it twists and turns through a school day marked by eerie abnormalities.   Gluck successfully uses visual imagery to convey a deeper meaning to a fourteen-line poem about children, teachers and parents.   These three groups come to life through the descriptive poem that allows readers to form their own conclusions.   Though Gluck’s meaning is never clearly stated, her use of tone and imagery create an extremely visual work with three dynamic sets of characters.    Gluck continuously presents the schoolchildren as simple, orderly creatures. She portrays them as heading to school with their book bags and later in the poem points out the orderly arrangement of their coats inside their classroom.   This orderliness helps readers perceive the children as wooden dolls or mindless beings that follow instruction.   Gluck writes,   How orderly they are- the nails on which the children hang their overcoats of blue or yellow woods (8-10).  Ã‚   These lines are divided in a manner that present an image of children hanging orderly on nails before the reader reaches the final line describing their clothing and show the powerful imagery created by Gluck.   It is important to note that the children are described as only having two different styles of coats- a yellow wool coat, perhaps for girls, and a blue wool coat, most likely for boys.   Gluck leaves readers imagining a flock of orderly children wearing similar clothing while sitting in their c lassroom.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Joining the schoolchildren inside the classroom are teachers, whom Gluck describes... ...f a June Cleaver figure who is sending a token of appreciation to her child s teacher.   Instead they are interpreted to be desperate creatures seeking for any sign of hope in an environment filled with gloom.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The descriptions of these three sets of characters through visual imagery provided an important element in Gluck s creation of   The School Children   which is part of her larger work, The House on Marshland that was drafted in 1971.   Throughvisual imagery she creates a combination of characters that help readers interpret the possible underlying meanings of the work.   Gluck successfully uses the schoolchildren, teachers and mothers as vehicles for the various interpretations of her work.   In the process, she creates dynamic characters that we are able to understand through symbolism and imagery.   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dreams vs. Reality Essay

The world is a deadly, unforgiving and often ironic place where people become all consumed by their surroundings. There are many occasions around the world in which people only care about themselves; for example on Black Friday people get pushed, hurt or even trampled because someone is trying to get the best deals before they are all gone. People have a tendency to lose sight of their goals and dreams. Mentally, people struggle to maintain their sanity in this game of life that has no set of rules. In the book Of Mice and Men, this story portrays the inequality between people’s dreams and what can actually be accomplished. John Steinbeck, the author Of Mice and Men, utilizes his general themes of friendship and loneliness, through his deep characterization and connection between characters in order to illustrate â€Å"The American dream.† The American dream consists of the ideas of freedom, equality, and opportunity. It also means life of individual contentment and material goods as usually wanted by Americans. At the beginning of the novel, the relationship between Candy and the old dog was very close. Candy is very passionate about his dog and spoke proudly of him. â€Å"You wouldn’t think it to look at him now, but he was the best damn sheep dog I ever seen† (Steinbeck 44). The old dog lived in the bunk house with all the workers. He slept in the same bed as Candy, but the other workers did not like the old dog because he smelled terrible. Everyone liked Candy, but they wanted to kill the dog only because he smelled bad. After they killed the dog, Candy was lonely and isolated himself from the other workers. Candy’s American dream was not met because the old dog was killed by the fellow ranchers. The old dog gave Candy unconditional love. When the old dog died, Candy’s dream died too. He wanted to live with the dog forever, his source of companionship and love was gone. In the novel, George and Lennie share the strongest bond. When George is talking to Lennie about why they are the loneliest guys in the world, he says: â€Å"Guys like us that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place. . . . With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don’t have to sit in no bar room blowin’ in our jack jus’ because we got no place else to go. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn. But not us† (Steinbeck 13-14). This example shows how George and Lennie’s friendship is more than most migrant workers. George takes care of Lennie because Lennie is mentally disabled. If Lennie did not have George taking care of him, Lennie would certainly be taken advantage of by other people who don’t have the same moral standards as George. George’s American dream was for himself, Lennie, and Candy to have their own place to live. He wanted to have Lennie in his life because Lennie gave George absolute love. Aunt Clara had explained to Lennie that he could trust George to take care of him and to always listen to him and do what he says. Lennie’s disabilities are defined as him being slow; he needed George as a guardian. George was helped by Lennie’s hard work and physical strength, he was a valuable worker and his pay was going to help buy the land for the new place. Lennie became involved with Curley’s wife and accidentally killed her. After this happened, the ranchers were going after Lennie. George wanted to protect Lennie from torture, so he killed Lennie himself by shooting him in the back of the head without Lennie’s knowledge. This ended their dreams. George would not have his place; Lennie would not have his rabbits. The harsh reality of their actions took away the desire to dream for anything better. The person who expresses his loneliness most openly is Crooks, the African- American stable hand, a victim of racial prejudice. Because of Crooks’ color, none of the other workers would socialize with him. When Lennie enters Crooks’ room uninvited, Crooks is angry and yells at Lennie asking him what his intentions are. He is bullying Lennie because he jealous of the companionship between George and Lennie. He tries to hurt Lennie with lies of George deserting him, trying to make him see what it feels like to be so alone. Crooks envies their friendship; it shows when he says: â€Å"George can tell you screwy things, and it don’t matter. It’s just the talking. It’s just bein with another guy† (Steinbeck 67). Crooks is lonely, and he is trying to make himself feel better by putting Lennie in the same position as he is. Crooks’ American dream was not achieved nor moved back, he didn’t really have one. He just was living at the ranch and he would always get picked on because of his skin color and his disability. He wanted racial equality, but that was so unlikely to happen, Crooks refused to even hope for it. Because he had nothing to hope for, he is a grouchy, negative man with nothing to live for. In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck uses the themes of friendship and loneliness between characters to illustrate the â€Å"American Dream.† The characters: George and Lennie, Candy and the Old Dog, and Crooks are used to demonstrate how relationships work, and also the harsh differences between dreams and reality. In the end George decided to end Lennie’s life so that the other workers would not torture him and then kill him later. Finally, reality was stronger than all of their dreams.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Strategic Management and Competitive Forces

COMPETITION IN THE GOLF INDUSTRY (WEEK 7) 1. What is competition like in the golf equipment industry? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness? 2. How is the golf equipment industry changing? What are the underlying drivers of change and how might those driving forces change the industry? 3. What does your strategic group map of the golf equipment industry look like? Which strategic groups do you think are in the best positions? Which are in the worst positions? 4.What recommendations would you make to Callaway Golf to improve the company’s competitive position in the industry and its financial and market performance? NINTENDO (WEEK 7) 1. What is competition like in the video game console industry? Do a five-forces analysis to support your answer. Which of the five competitive forces is strongest? Which is weakest? Would you characterize the overall strength of competition in video game consoles as fierce, strong, moderate to normal o r weak? Why? 2. What is Nintendo’s strategy? Which of the five generic strategies discussed in Chapter 5 is Nintendo using? 3.Is it fair to characterize Nintendo’s introduction of the Wii as a blue ocean strategy? Why or why not? 4. What recommendations would you make to Nintendo to improve its competitiveness in the video game console industry and to maintain its favorable positioning vis-a-vis Microsoft and Sony? GOOGLE (WEEK 8) 1. Discuss competition in the search industry. Which of the fi ve competitive forces seem strongest? weakest? What is your assessment of overall industry attractiveness? 2. What are the key factors that define success in the industry? What are the key competencies, capabilities, and resources of successful search engine companies? . Have Google’s business model and strategy proven to be successful? What are the company’s key resource strengths and competitive capabilities? What competitive liabilities and resource weaknesses doe s it have? 4. What recommendations would you make to Google’s top-management team to sustain its competitive advantage in the search industry? How should it best capitalize on its strategic initiatives in mobile search, cloud computing, and its auctioning system for traditional media ads? RESEARCH IN MOTION (WEEK 8) 1. What is competition like in the wireless phone industry? Which of the five Competitive forces is strongest?Which is weakest? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness? 2. What strategic approach has Research in Motion chosen to employ in international markets? Would you characterize its strategy as a global strategy or a localized multicountry strategy? How has it utilized location to build competitive advantage? 3. How important is it for Research in Motion to increase the size of its pool of software developers? What are the different options for substantially increasing its R&D staff? 4. Which option for increasing t he number of software developers should Research in Motion pursue?Explain how your recommended course of action is consistent with Research in Motion’s resources, organizational capabilities, and management preferences. APPLE (WEEK 9) 1. What are the chief elements of Apple’s overall competitive strategy? How well do the pieces fi t together? 2. What does a competitive strength assessment reveal about Apple’s computer business, as compared to the leaders in the personal computer industry? Does it appear that the company’s competitive positions in personal media players and smartphones or stronger or weaker than its position in computers? 3.Does it make good strategic sense for Apple to be a competitor in the computer, personal media player, smartphone, and tablet computer industries? Are the value chain activities that Apple performs in computers, personal media players, tablet computers and smartphones very similar and â€Å"compatible† or are the re very important differences from product to product? 4. What recommendations would you make to allow Apple to strengthen its position in its most important markets? KOMATSU (WEEK 9) 1. 1. Briefly identify the various strategies that Komatsu used in the different stages of their internationalization process. . What were the implications for Komatsu’s management policies as they responded to changing domestic and global market conditions? 3. To what extent the leadership and management of Komatsu responsible for its success or failures? Why? 4. What strategic action should Komatsu take to bring back an sustain the leadership position of Komatsu? ADIDAS (WEEK 10) 1. What is Adidas’ corporate strategy? Was there a common strategic approach utilized in managing the company’s lineup of sporting goods businesses prior to its 2005-2006 restructuring? Has the corporate strategy changed with restructuring? . What does a 9-cell industry attractiveness/ business strength matrix displaying Adidas’ business units look like? 3. Does Adidas’ business line-up exhibit good strategic fit? What value-chain match-ups exists? What opportunities for skills transfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing are evident? 4. Based on your analysis of adidas businesses, did the restructuring undertaken in 2005 and 2006 make sense? Does it appear the acquisition of Reebok International will produce higher returns for shareholders? PEPSICO (WEEK 10) 1. What is PepsiCo’s corporate strategy?Briefly identify the business strategies that PepsiCo is using in each of its consumer business segments in 2008. 2. What is your assessment of the long-term attractiveness of the industries represented in PepsiCo’s business portfolio? What is your assessment of the competitive strength of PepsiCo’s different business units? 3. Does PepsiCo’s portfolio exhibit good strategic fit? What value-chain match-ups do you see? What opportunities for skills tr ansfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing do you see? 4. What strategic actions should Indra Nooyi take to sustain the corporation’s impressive financial and market performance?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Applied Psychology Example

Applied Psychology Example Applied Psychology – Coursework Example Evidence Based practice: Future Career Perspectives in Applied Behavioral Science. Evidence Based practice: Future Career Perspectives in Applied Behavioral Science. I am an Applied Behavioral Science Major student and plan to venture into private practice after graduation. The move will give a chance to help save marriages by becoming a marriage counselor. The practice will give me a chance to apply the skills taught to me and help my community. Applied psychology is the practice use of methods and findings in psychology to evaluate and solve practical behavioral problems in the life of humans and animal. Applied psychology work in sync with evidence based practice. Evidence based practice utilizes three main arms that are essential to my future practice. They include the clinical expertise, patient value & preference and best research evidence. The Clinical expertise part I am getting in class and field attachments. The Patient value and preference is unique to each case that I w ill be handling in private practice. The best research evidence is necessary in the practice and this is from reading medical publications, books and journals to update me on newly proven techniques that work based on the evidence. It is necessary to ensure the techniques that I apply work and save marriages from divorces. Statistics ion United States of America reveals a high rate of cases of divorce in the country. Tori DeAngelis research in a periodical â€Å"The Couple Doctor† Reveal more of the evidence based practice saves marriages. Her study she compeers sharing of methods that have been proved to work and working in solitude results (DeAngelis, 2011). In conclusion, for a successful career it is important to be always updated on the most effective and research proven methods that work to achieve perfect results.ReferenceDeAngelis, T. (2011, January 10). What helps troubled relationships thrive: Internet training and with veterans and their spouses. The couples docto r , p. 40. Applied Psychology Example Applied Psychology – Coursework Example Applied Psychology Applied Psychology: Option A Karen is suffering from major depression. Karen’s symptoms point to major depression rather than bipolar depression. This is because she experiences extreme sadness most of the time, feels hopeless and finds no enjoyment in life. Consequently, she is contemplating suicide. Karen does not experience mood swings but feels â€Å"down† most of the time. This is different from bipolar depression where an individual experiences highs and lows.Major depression is an acute medical illness that affects one’s feelings, thoughts, mood, behavior and physical health (NAMI, 2012). It is a life-long condition that requires long-term treatment in order to keep the symptoms from recurring. Karen’s is a case of recurrent symptoms since she is now feeling low all the time. She has lost interest in life and such things as food, sex, sleep and friends, among others no longer have any appeal on her. Consequently, she feels worthle ss and may be driven to commit suicide.As a mental health professional, I would first make a diagnosis of Karen’s situation to ensure that in deed she has major depression by carefully analyzing the symptoms. Having confirmed that Karen suffers from major depression, I would proceed to prescribe appropriate treatment. The latest treatment for major depression is the trans-cranial direct current stimulation (Fregni et al, 2006), but I would apply this method if medication fails. However, I would advise her to map out her patterns of illness and learn how to cope with the symptoms. I would also encourage her to develop supportive relationships, especially with me, and to be open about her condition. Taking aerobics will also go a long way to make her condition manageable.ReferencesFregni, F., Boggio, P. S., Nitsche, M. A., Marcolin, M. A., Rigonatti, S. P. and Pascual-Leone, A. (2006), Treatment of major depression with transcranial direct current stimulation. Bipolar Disorders , 8:  203–204. doi:  10.1111/j.1399-5618.2006.00291.NAMI (2012) Depression. The National Alliance on Mental Illness. Fairfax.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Diversity in the media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diversity in the media - Essay Example They may derive from any number of aspects of the communication content. â€Å"They may be considered as psychological or political or economic or sociological. They may operate upon opinions, values, information levels, skills, taste, or overt behavior† (Heibert, 2001). According to Don Rojas (2002), â€Å"News organizations help shape the perceptions of millions and, through these influences, even determine the destiny of our people. The media can either tell our stories accurately or misrepresent our experiences.† One media organization that is dedicated to reporting the news of the day with an alternative slant that purposely calls into question the one-sided viewpoint typically presented in more traditional programs is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Although it doesn’t at first seem to have any particular slant toward a gendered or racial audience, closer examination of the text and its associated advertising will reveal that this show is geared mostly to the traditional WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant) upwardly-mobile male viewer. The Daily Show is a 30-minute late night television program that airs each weeknight and bases its humor on the news events of the day, occasionally making biting observations on policymakers and other issues. It takes a decidedly and unapologetic liberal stance to the more conservatively reported news and events reported elsewhere. In the show, a single ‘news anchor’, Jon Stewart, recaps the headline news stories of the day through the use of actual news footage, previously taped field interviews, in-studio guest appearances and live coverage of events when possible. The show employs approximately five other individuals, most of them male, who are placed in a ‘reporter’ type position to cover in-field interviews or other features of the show. It is produced by Jon Stewart and Ben Karlin with co-executive

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 13

International Business - Essay Example CEO Steve Jobs has also gained an iconic status for his intriguing nature. Steve Jobs transformed the failing image of Apple Company into one of the most successful wealthiest company in the history. The growth of apple began four years later after Jobs’ return as the CEO. This growth is also attributed to innovative products from the iPod to iPhone and iPad, which have changed the lives of people. With these products, it has integrated communication and information technologies for use in day to day life. Globalization involves various ongoing interrelated processes that include internalization of finance and trade (Dedrick, 2009.). Globalization affects business in many ways. Globalization has affected Apple Company both positively and negatively and amongst the positives, the major being increased profits. Apple operations have benefited from globalization in the several ways. Apple Company has mostly utilized advanced strategies relying mostly on importing, exporting and outsourcing. Apple Inc. realized the benefit of expanding both its market and operations all over the world especially in high potential markets. By July 2013, the company had opened 417 retail stores in 13 countries. It also established online stores in 38 countries (Dedrick, 2009). Globalization has led to emergence of new markets enabling apple to expand its operations outside America maximizations of sales and revenues. In 2013 fiscal year, Apple revenues had grown by 14.73% within the first two quarters of the year. This translated to $98.115 billion dollars. Most of this revenue was collected from overseas markets. Only 35%of the revenue was from American market (Freeland, 2011). Globalization has led to creativity in employing human resources at Apple. It has created few employee opportunities in America than in other countries. For example, the company